Need a definitive guide on how to pack clothes for storage? The best way to store clothes in a storage unit is:
Step 1: Wash all clothes before packing
Step 2: Only vacuum seal for short term storage
Step 3: Place clothes in plastic containers with clip-on lids
Step 4: Use cedar balls to prevent moth, mildew and musty odours
Step 5: Opt for a professional, climate controlled storage unit
Step 1: Wash All Clothes Before Packing
Before packing clothes for storage, wash and iron every single item of clothing. By only packing clothes for storage once they’re clean, they will stay much fresher for much longer, effectively prolonging their shelf-life.
Plus, if you pack dirty clothes, chances are that any stains and odours contained within will settle in over time. You might never be able to wash the stains and smell away. Dirty clothes will also attract insects and other vermin.
When it comes to knowing how to pack clothes for storage, an all-important step is ensuring that all your clothes are completely dry before you pack them. This will help prevent mould, mildew and other odours from building up.
Washing your clothes is also a great excuse to do some sorting. Use it as an opportunity for a wardrobe clean out—a chance to decide which items you want to keep and which you want to sell or donate. Remember, you pay for storage based on volume—don’t pay to store clothes that you’re never going to wear again.
Step 2: Only Vacuum Seal for Short Term Storage
Some people think that the best way to pack clothes for storage involves the use of vacuum sealed bags. While vacuum sealed bags are a great way to save space and maximise your storage space, the effect that they can have on clothes is sometimes detrimental. The lack of air inside a vacuum bag can cause the fibres in your clothes to compress, ruining their shape and fit.
Vacuum bags are fine for short-term storage, but should be avoided if you’re going to store long term. Delicate or special items, such as wedding dresses should never be kept in vacuum-sealed bags.
Step 3: Place Clothes in Plastic Containers with Clip-on Lids
The best way to store clothes in storage is to place all your clothes in plastic containers with clip-on lids. These will protect your clothes from moisture, dust, mould and mildew. Make sure you give your plastic containers a good clean and dry them thoroughly before you place any clothes inside.
For extra protection, you can line your plastic containers with clean, cotton sheets. And for particularly special items of clothing (such as a wedding dress or expensive vintage items), you may want to invest in acid free boxes lined with tissue paper, placed inside plastic containers.
Hot Tip: Never store clothing in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Plastic bags trap moisture, which quickly transfers to your clothing causing it to become mouldy. Cardboard boxes are easily infiltrated by vermin and pests like silverfish.
Step 4: Use Cedar Balls to Prevent Moths, Mildew and Musty Odours
Cedar wood naturally protects clothes from moths, mildew and musty odours. So, the best way to store clothes in a storage unit always includes adding a few cedar balls. Best of all, wooden cedar balls last long term and offer a lovely, fragrant aroma. They are also a far superior option than any chemical treatments, which can leak and leave stains and toxic chemicals over time.
Step 5: Opt for a Professional, Climate Controlled Storage Unit
You need to choose a storage unit that will protect your clothes in the best way possible. This means choosing a climate-controlled unit that is clean and free from dust, vermin and other harmful elements. Traditional self-storage units often fail to provide these all-important features. So, shop around make sure that you opt for a professional, secure storage space that will give your clothing the protection it deserves.
Follow this step-by-step process and you’ll be an expert on how to store clothes in a storage unit.